Shopping Ban October Review

Starting a Garden

This month the kids and I started a garden.

This is not the first time we have attempted a garden.

I tried a couple $1 starter pots when they were 3 and 1. I kept forgetting about the little pots on the patio and the wrath of the sun killed them.

Then I tried again at 5 and 3. I tried throwing seeds into our dusty backyard…thinking they would magically grow like in Jack and the Beanstalk. (Shockingly, they didn’t).

A garden is one of those things I have always wanted.

So at 7 and 5 I felt the urge to try again. This time, I took it more serious and we actually have green coming out of all our pots!!!

We spent $15 total to get soil and pots. Our local library gives out free seeds, so we each got to pick 3 foods to grow.

It has been a fun activity with the kids and I think I might actually eat something I grew in the next couple months!


October is not only wonderful because it’s fall, it’s also World Series baseball time. I love baseball.

We went to an All-Star game for the fall league. These are some of the aspiring major league players.

We spent about $30 total for tickets and snacks. Kevin and I actually got to watch 8 innings in peace because the kids found friends on the concourse to play with.

And the kids got autographs…they were so pumped.

Visit From my Friend

A good friend of mine flew to Arizona for a visit. I felt blessed she came to see me and we had a great time walking and catching up.

We capped our visit with a dinner out just the two of us. We split brussel sprout nachos that were SO amazing.

When the bill came I was pleasantly surprised because we got the happy hour prices without realizing it. So we had maximum girl time for half the price đŸ™‚.

Farm Fun

We also did some kids activities, like a farm visit. We found a smaller farm with a more affordable experience and had a great time for $25.

Race Photo

The last item out of the ordinary I purchased was a race photo.

My half marathon was in April, and I have contemplated purchasing the photo ever since.

I went back and forth in my mind.

I knew I didn’t need proof of my accomplishment. But I also loved the idea of collecting these photos over time…a photo story of my running journey.

So after 6 months of debate I bought the digital photo. I called it a birthday gift to myself, and spent the $25.

As this shopping experiment continues, I feel my mind continually focusing on experiences over stuff.

When I do choose to purchase stuff, like the photo, it is after long consideration.

My impulsive purchases have decreased and I feel in control of my consumption.

This is so key as we enter the season of excess.

I hope November is full of gratitude, family fun, and reflection.
