
Why is it so easy to do something for a week or month but so hard to restart after stopping???

Part of the problem is identifying why you stopped in the first place.

After some much needed quiet time today, I realized I had stopped many pursuits I loved.



Some good distractions, like starting work again after a decade of being a stay at home mom.

But some bad distractions….mainly social media.

I knew I had avoided it in the past for a reason. So now I am reminded (again) why it doesn’t work for me.

Cheers to restarting!!!

(I have never put a video on the blog so just wanted to give it a try 🙂)



  1. It was really fun to hear your actual voice after reading the blog post. Restarting resonates with me as we move into the deepest part of winter here in the Midwest. Keeping up my healthy routines has felt a lot more difficult lately. Thank you for the reminder to look at the why and encouragement to begin again.

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